Friday 24 November 2017


939-24-11-2017-FRI - BAO NVNBP - LONDON –



24-11-17-FRIDAY- THU SAU



Đà Nẵng: Ông Nguyễn Xuân Anh mất hết mọi chức vụ Ông Nguyễn Xuân Ảnh (bên phải), em trai ông Xuân Anh được phong làm Phó Tổng cục trưởng Tổng cục Đường bộ Việt Nam ở tuổi 33

Zimbabwe: Mnangagwa tuyên thệ nhậm chức tổng thống Ông Emmerson Mnangagwa sẽ tuyên thệ nhậm chức tổng thống Zimbabwe sau sự thoái ngôi đầy kịch tính của ông Robert Mugabe kết thúc 37 năm thống trị độc đoán.

Buổi tuyên thệ sẽ diễn ra tại sân vận động thể thao quốc gia 60.000 chỗ ở Thủ đô Harare nơi người dân Zimbabwe được kêu gọi đến để chứng kiến một "ngày lịch sử".

Trước khi tuyên thệ nhậm chức, ông Mnangagwa, 75 tuổi, có biệt danh là 'Cá Sấu' vì từng chỉ đạo lực lượng an ninh và quân đội trấn áp đối lập, kêu gọi Zimbabwe "kiên nhẫn, bình ổn và chấm dứt mọi hình thức trả đũa".

cam kết tạo việc làm cho 90% dân số thất nghiệp.

Cựu tổng thống Mugabe bị cáo buộc mưu toan đưa vợ lên kế vị Từ cô đánh máy thành đệ nhất phu nhân Việc sa thải ông Mnangagwa hồi đầu tháng này đã khiến đảng cầm quyền Zanu-PF và quân đội phải can thiệp và buộc ông Mugabe từ chức. ông Mugabe, 93 tuổi, từ chức

Thư từ chức của ông Mugabe được đọc ở quốc hội, nói rằng quyết định của ông là 'tự nguyện' và ông làm như vậy để việc chuyển giao quyền lực được diễn ra trong hòa bình.

Cả ông Mugabe và vợ Grace đều không xuất hiện trước công chúng từ hôm Chủ nhật, và hành tung của họ không được tiết lộ.

Hôm thứ Năm, một số báo cáo cho biết ông Mugabe được miễn trừ khỏi bị truy tố.

Trung Quốc nói Úc không nên can thiệp Biển Đông

thứ Năm, Úc đưa ra những quan ngại về "tốc độ và quy mô" của các hoạt động của Trung Quốc trong khu vực tranh chấp ở Biển Đông trong một tài liệu sâu rộng về chiến lược ngoại giao của Canberra.

TQ cấm đền chùa kinh doanh vì tiền chỉ thị nghiêm cấm các cá nhân và tổ chức xây chùa thờ Phật và đền của đạo Lão để kiếm tiền và 'xâm hại danh tiếng' tôn giáo. Việc cúng dường vào 'hòm công đức' sẽ bị hạn chế tại Trung Quốc Lãnh đạo Hội Phật giáo Quốc gia Trung Quốc phê phán việc 'bán hương giá cao' cấm cả việc đặt ra thùng 'công đức' thu tiền.

Oscar Pistorius jail term for killing Reeva Steenkamp more than doubled A South African court has increased Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius's jail sentence for killing his girlfriend to 13 years and five months.2013

Prosecutors had argued that the six-year term for murdering Reeva Steenkamp was “

shockingly light".

A spokesman for Ms Steenkamp's family said the ruling "verified there was justice".

August 2012: Competes in London Olympics and Paralympics, where he won a gold medal

February 2013: Shoots dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp

March 2014: Trial begins

October 2014: Begins five-year sentence

November 2017: Sentence more than doubled to 15 years, less time served

Theresa May to warn of 'hostile' Russia threat to EU security PM Theresa May is to warn EU leaders to be wary of "hostile states like Russia" and pledge the UK will stay committed to European security after Brexit.

In Brussels for a summit, she will say it is crucial that European countries work together to "protect our shared values and ideals".

She will also discuss Brexit with European Council President Donald Tusk.

Last week Mr Tusk said the UK must show more progress on the "divorce bill" if trade talks were to begin this year.

Mr Tusk says the UK must show more progress on key negotiating issues by December

Question Time cut short as woman falls ill when an audience member was taken ill during the recording.

The BBC One show, from Colchester town hall, in Essex, was suspended while the

woman was given first aid.

Host David Dimbleby said later they had to end the recording as the woman "could not be safely moved".

The hour-long programme, featuring Conservative Greg Clark, Labour's Diane Abbott and others was about 40 minutes in when it was halted.

The panel had already been asked "what is the point of capitalism?" and whether the Budget could fix the broken housing market.

Empty homes spike in London commuter belt Sam and Rachael Kamau revamped a once-dilapidated four-bedroom terrace they bought for £1 under a scheme to bring empty homes into use  "Buy-to-leave" investors were active in those areas, experts said.The government gave councils new powers to charge a 100% council tax premium on empty homes in Wednesday's budget.

From 2010 to 2016, the number of long-term empty homes - defined as unfurnished and unoccupied for more than six months - fell from around 300,000 to 200,000.

Councils in Stoke-on-Trent and in Liverpool have sold former property for £1.

Nurses Sam and Rachael Kamau had previously not been able to buy their own property before they qualified for Liverpool's scheme, under which they have promised not to sell for five years.

Zimbabwe's new President Emmerson Mnangagwa sworn in

Mua t mặt
Mua ch khoản

Brexit scuppers Dundee's 2023 European Capital of Culture bidsDundee will not be able to compete in the European Capital of Culture 2023 competition due to Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed.

Five UK cities were bidding to host the title, with the winner expected to be announced next week.

A letter from the European Commission to the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) said UK participation "would not be possible".It said the UK's selection process should "immediately be discontinued".

Street sealed off after serious sexual assault in Dundee The incident happened in Guthrie Street at about 20:15 on Thursday.Officers have taped off the street at its junctions with Horsewater Wynd, West Henderson's Wynd and Blinshall Street.

A man has been found guilty of abducting and raping two women while they were working as prostitutes.A court heard one of Kenneth Williamson's victims asked him if he was going to kill her and another feared she was going to die.

Williamson targeted the first woman in Dundee and carried out a similar attack in Leith three months later.

He denied raping and assaulting the women, but was convicted after a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.

Man sentenced for causing £550,000 Dundee blaze

by setting fire to a sewage pumping station at Dundee's dock area has avoided a jail sentence.

Dean Yeats started the blaze at the King George V Pumping Station by throwing lit paper at the building.

Yeats, 25, of Forfar, admitted a charge of culpable and reckless fireraising on 16 February.

Orinoco accident: Divers search for 10 missing people Colombian navy divers are searching for 10 people who disappeared on Tuesday after their boats capsized in the Orinoco river, which divides Colombia from Venezuela.

A total of 18 people were on board the boats, eight of whom were rescued.

Witnesses said one of the boats had a mechanical problem and was being towed by the other one when they hit a rock about 30m (100ft) from the shore.

The accident happened 10km (6.2 miles) downstream from Puerto Carreño.

Padmavati: Body found near fort linked to film protest

O'Naturel is thought to be the first dining experience of its kind in the French capital.

Customers have to leave their clothes – and their phones – at the door.

Azzedine Alaïa: Popular Tunisian couturier dies aged 77 Alaïa, whose close-fitting designs earned him the nickname "king of cling", achieved fame in the 1980s.

Clients included British model Naomi Campbell, US singer Lady Gaga, actress Greta Garbo and Michelle Obama

Belgium waffle factory blaze sends pall of smoke over Brussels A huge fire at a waffle factory has cast a black pall of smoke across the skies of the Belgian capital, Brussels.

The Milcamps waffle factory, in the Forest district, was immediately evacuated when fire broke out at about 13:00 local time (12:00 GMT).

No injuries are reported but the factory has been destroyed, reported local media.

UK approach to Brexit 'chaotic' - leaked Irish reportThe government has refused to comment on a leaked report branding its approach to Brexit as "chaotic".

The internal Irish government paper, obtained by RTÉ, documents EU figures' scathing assessments of cabinet members such as Brexit Secretary David Davis.

A Czech minister is quoted as describing Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson as "unimpressive".

The minister also warns of "political confusion" about the UK Government's approach to leaving the EU.

German parliament Twitter ban derided by MPs German MPs have reacted indignantly to an attempt by the new speaker to restrict their use of social media during sessions in parliament.

Wolfgang Schäuble sent a letter to MPs telling them that electronic devices should not be used to tweet or send out news about what was going on in the chamber.

Frank Sitta of the Free Democrats party tweeted that it made no sense.

UK floods: 70 people and horses rescued in Lancashire

Toàn bộ vốn liếng gần 3 triệu đồng của người phụ nữ mưu sinh bằng nghề bán vé số dạo đã bị cướp sạch. Tuy nhiên điều mà nạn nhân khiếp sợ nhất là hành vi tàn ác của 2 tên cướp.
Một cô gái 22 tuổi người Thái Lan đã bị cảnh sát bắt giữ sau khi cô này dùng dao đâm người chồng 62 tuổi của mình bởi phát hiện bao cao su trong túi quần ông ta và cho rằng chồng đã ngoại tình.

Cựu chủ tịch Sacombank, ông Phạm Công Danh và 44 người bị cáo buộc gây thiệt hại hơn 6.100 tỷ đồng Ông Trầm Bê bị truy tố đến 20 năm tù

Năm cán bộ Công an Ninh Thuận bị khởi tố,  hai người bị bắt giam với cáo buộc đánh chết nam thanh niên trong nhà giam giữ

Trương Quang Nghĩa - Bí thư Thành ủy Đà Nẵng - cho biết, thành phố này đang chờ ý kiến chỉ đạo từ Trung ương để sắp xếp công việc tiếp theo đối với ông Nguyễn Xuân Anh.
Bộ Văn hoá phạt Ban tổ chức hoa hậu Đại Dương 4 triệu đồng

ông Mugabe và vợ là cựu đệ nhất phu nhân Grace sẽ vẫn được nhận các chế độ nghỉ hưu như bình thường trong đó gồm lương hưu trí, nhà ở, phụ cấp du lịch, bảo hiểm và một số cơ chế an ninh. Một số nguồn tin cũng nói rằng, vợ chồng ông Mugabe sẽ được phép giữ lại nhiều tài sản có giá trị, trong đó có dinh thự riêng có tên gọi "Nhà Xanh" gần trung tâm thủ đô Harare. lương 12.000 USD/tháng. Các báo cáo mới đây cho biết, mức lương này đã tăng lên xấp xỉ 19.000 USD/tháng. Grace cũng được hưởng chế độ hưu trí và khi ông Mugabe qua đời, bà Grace có thể nhận 60% lương hưu của chồng.

Tàu ngầm ARA San Juan mất liên lạc trên Đại Tây Dương từ ngày 15/11 khi đang di chuyển từ căn cứ Ushuaia đến cảng quê nhà Mar del Plata. San Juan mất tích tại khu vực cách bờ biển Argentina khoảng 430km cùng với 44 thành viên thủy thủ đoàn. Trong ảnh: Đại úy Eliana Maria Krawczyk, 35 tuổi, nữ sĩ quan Argentina duy nhất làm nhiệm vụ trên tàu ngầm, là một trong số 44 thành viên thủy thủ đoàn trên tàu San Juan. Hải quân Argentina thông báo trong cuộc họp báo hôm nay rằng tàu San Juan có thể đã bị nổ cực mạnh. Thông tin này khiến gia đình

các thủy thủ vô cùng đau đớn

dân xã Tịnh Hà (huyện Sơn Tịnh, Quảng Ngãi) phát hiện gạo hỗ trợ lũ lụt của một đơn vị từ thiện có biểu hiện bất thường vì khi đốt gạo bắt lửa nhanh và kết dính thành mảng lớn

Nga thử thành công phiên bản cải tiến của hệ thống phòng thủ tên lửa, bắn trúng một tên lửa đạn đạo từ một bãi thử ở Kazakhstan. 

Sài Gòn trời vẫn nóng ran
Thủ đô gió lạnh miên man thổi về
Lim dim, nửa tỉnh nửa mê
Bỗng nghe điện thoại ... tí te tí tò
Bác Tèo í ới nhỏ to
Rằng là Duy Tuấn gửi cho ... tuyết vào
Phóng ngay lên tận vùng cao
Xúc liền băng tuyết

Đỉnh núi Phia Oắc (Bình Nguyên, Cao Bằng) sáng nay trắng xóa vì băng giá khi nhiệt độ xuống dưới 1 độ C,

Đỉnh núi Phia Oắc (Bình Nguyên, Cao Bằng

A group of Indian farmers say they woke up shocked to find that the train they were travelling on had sped 160km (99 miles) in the "wrong direction".

Mitsubishi Materials shares fall on fake data scandal Mitsubishi Materials, a division of one of Japan's biggest conglomerates, saw shares fall by as much 11% on Friday after admitting to a quality scandal.Three of its units were found to have falsified data for products supplied to nearly 300 companies in the aerospace, car and electric power industries.

Australian paramedics fulfil dying woman's wish to go to the beach A terminally ill woman in Australia has been granted her final wish to go to the beach by paramedics in Queensland.

India papers leave blank spaces in protest at journalist killing Newspapers in the north-east Indian state of Tripura ran blank editorial spaces on Thursday in protest at the murder of a journalist, allegedly on the orders of a senior army official.

Commandant Tapan Debbarma was arrested on Wednesday on charges he ordered his bodyguard to shoot Sudip Dutta Bhaumik.

The incident happened outside Mr Debbarma's office where Mr Bhaumik was attending a meeting on Tuesday.His editor, Subal Kumar Dey, said Mr Bhaumik was killed over his reports.

Mr Dey told journalists that Mr Bhaumik's "only crime" was he had exposed a number of financial irregularities and corruption cases.

Trump-Russia investigation: Michael Flynn's lawyers 'split from Trump‘

Canada grants refugee status in about 60% of migrant cases Over half of the migrant asylum claims heard by Canadian refugee officials this year have been successful. New figures released by the federal Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) show that of 1,572 claims heard so far, 941 have been granted. The IRB has a backlog of 12,895 cases currently pending.Canada has seen a spike recent months of migrants crossing illegally into the country via the US and making asylum claims. The programme grants temporary US visas to more than 435,000 people from 10 countries ravaged by natural disasters or war. Haitians migrants were followed by Nigerians, who have made 1,911 claims in Canada so far this year. The other top countries in order are Turkey, Syria, Eritrea, Yemen, the US, Sudan, Djibouti, and Pakistan. Canadian officials say US citizens included in the figures are mainly US-born children of migrants.

Emmerson Mnangagwa has been sworn in as Zimbabwe's president in a ceremony at a packed stadium in the country's capital, Harare.

It follows the dramatic departure of Robert Mugabe after 37 years of authoritarian rule.

The former vice-president's dismissal earlier this month led the ruling Zanu-PF party and the army to intervene and force Mr Mugabe to quit.

Mr Mnangagwa, who had fled the country, returned from exile on Wednesday.

San Juan submarine: 'Explosion' dashes crew survival hopes Hopes that the 44 crew of a missing Argentine submarine might still be alive have been dashed after the navy said an event consistent with an explosion had been detected.

The "abnormal, singular, short, violent, non-nuclear event" was recorded in the south Atlantic by a nuclear test watchdog last week.

Relatives of the missing crew reacted with grief and anger at the news.

It follows a US report of a loud noise in the same area.

The ARA San Juan disappeared last Wednesday. More than a dozen countries including the US, Russia and the UK have sent assistance.

North Korea digs DMZ trench after recent defection

North Korea appears to be fortifying its border in the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) with the South, days after a soldier defected by running across.

A US diplomat to South Korea has tweeted a picture showing workers digging a trench.

The defector was shot multiple times by border guards from the North at the spot last week.

South Korea has handed out medals to its soldiers who helped rescue the wounded defector

Eight 'North Korean fishermen' wash ashore in Japan A boat carrying eight men claiming to be North Korean fishermen has washed ashore the coast in Japan.

Japanese police said the men were found at Yurihonjo city's marina late on Thursday, and taken into custody.

The men had told authorities that their boat experienced difficulties and they ended up drifting into Japanese waters.

2011, nine North Koreans tried to sail to South Korea but ended up across the sea in Japan. India

A body has been found hanging outside a fort in the northern state of Rajasthan along with a warning note that mentions controversial Indian film Padmavati.

Police told BBC Hindi that they were investigating to determine whether it was a suicide or murder.

"We don't burn effigies, we hang," the note reads. It's not clear if the note is against or in support of the film.

Pakistan's $10m bounty cleric Hafiz Saeed released Co-ordinated attacks in Mumbai in 2008 left more than 160 people dead across the city

US actress Uma Thurman has sent out a Thanksgiving message venting anger at movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by dozens of women.She did not detail any personal issues but added: "When I'm ready, I'll say what I have to say... stay tuned."

Beijing nursery 'needle abuse' of children shocks China A Beijing nursery is accused of giving injections and feeding drugs to toddlers, in a case that has sparked outrage in China. One father told CCTV that his child was fed two white pills every day

German coalition: SPD 'open to talks' to end political deadlock Mrs Merkel spent weeks talking to the FDP and Greens - but no coalition deal resulted  Germany's centre-left Social Democrats say they are open to talks with other parties to try to end the stalemate, after Chancellor Angela Merkel failed to form a coalition government.SPD leader Martin Schulz had refused to form a coalition with Mrs Merkel's conservatives and said the party would go into opposition.But he is under pressure to reconsider an alliance amid the political impasse.

The announcement makes it less likely that a snap election will be needed."The SPD will not say no to discussions," SPD General Secretary Hubertus Heil said after eight hours of late-night talks between top SPD politicians.

Japanese politician brings baby to assembly sparking debate A local Japanese politician has been criticised by lawmakers for trying to bring her baby to a council session.Yuka Ogata said she wanted to show how difficult it is for women to juggle careers and raise children.

sjc- 36400-36600

Gold – 1289.07-1289.57

Oil- 58.525-58.565-cpi-3%

DISEL UK – 115.9-125.9

SG- 32-DN- 30-HN- 25

UK Today 2-9Oc , -5-11oC

Cold and bright with showers in the north and west.

Saturday 2-7oC

Another mostly dry day with sunny spells, although the odd wintry shower may spread from the northwest later in the day. Colder than Friday, accentuated by a strengthening wind.

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